主要论著 |
1. Zhao, X., Liu, J., Liu, Q., Tillotson, M.R., Guan, D., Hubacek, K., 2015. Physical and virtual water transfers for regional water stress alleviation in China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 112(4), 1031-1035. 2. Zhao, X. Liu, J., Yang, H., Duarte, R., Tillotson, M.R., Hubacek, K., 2016.Burden shifting of water quantity and quality stress from megacity Shanghai. Water Resources Research. 52(9), 6916-6927 3. Zhao, X., Yang, H., Yang, Z.F., Chen, B., Qin, Y., 2010. Applying the input-output method to account for water footprint and virtual water trade in the Haihe River basin in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 44(23), 9150-9156. 4. Zhao, X., Liao, X. *, Zhang, C., Zhang, X.*, Mao, G., Zhang, S., Tillotson, M.R., 2021. Unveiling the dynamic of water-electricity conflict within and beyond megacity boundary. Journal of Environmental Management 286 (2021) 112259 5. Feukam Nzudie,H. L., Zhao, X.*, Liu, G., Tillotson, M.R., Hou, S., Li, Y.,2021. Driving force analysis for food loss changes in Cameroon. Journal of Cleaner Production. 278,123892. 6. Zhang, Q.* Smith, K., Zhao, X.* Jin, X., Wang, S., Shen, J., Ren, Z.J., 2021. Greenhouse gas emissions associated with urban water infrastructure: What we have learnt from China's practice. WIREs Water. e1529 7. Liao, X., Zhao, X.*, Liu, W., Li, R., Wang, X., Wang, W., Tillotson, M.R., 2020. Comparing water footprint and water scarcity footprint of energy demand in China’s six megacities. Applied Energy 269, 115137. 8. Zhang, X., Zhao, X.*, Li, R., Mao, G., Tillotson, M.R., Liao, X., Zhang, C., Yi, Y., 2020. Evaluating the vulnerability of physical and virtual water resource networks in China's megacities. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 161, 104972. 9. Feukam Nzudie, H.L., Zhao, X.*, Tillotson, M.R., Zhang, F., Li, Y.*, 2020. Modelling and forecasting roots & tubers losses and resulting water losses in sub-Saharan Africa considering climate variables. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 102952. 10. Zhao, X.*, Liao, X., Chen, B., Tillotson, M.R., Guo, W., Li, Y., 2019. Accounting global grey water footprint from both consumption and production perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production. 225, 963-971. 11. Zhao, X.*, Jin, X., Guo, W., Zhang, C., Shan, Y.L., Du, M.X., Tillotson, M.R., Yang, H., Liao, X., Li, Y.P., 2019. China’s urban methane emissions from municipal wastewater treatment plant. Earth’s Future. 7, 480-490.https://doi.org/10.1029/2018EF001113. 12. Zhang, X., Liu, J., Zhao, X. *, Yang, H., Deng, X., Jiang, X., Li, Y., 2019. Linking physical water consumption with virtual water consumption: Methodology, application and implications. Journal of Cleaner Production 228, 1206-1217. 13. Liao, X., Zhao, X.*, Jiang, Y., Liu, Y., Yi, Y., Tillotson, M.R., 2019. Water footprint of the energy sector in China’s two megalopolises. Ecological Modelling 391, 9-15. 14. Liao, X., Zhao, X.*, Hall, J.W., Guan, D., 2018. Categorising virtual water transfers through China’s electric power sector. Applied Energy 226, 252-260. 15. Zhao, X.*, Li, Y.P.*, Yang, H., Liu, W.F., Tillotson, M.R., Guan, D., Yi, Y., Wang, H., 2018. Measuring scarce water saving from interregional virtual water flows in China. Environmental Research Letters 13, 054012. 16. Liu, J., Zhao, X.#*, Yang, H., Liu, Q., Xiao, H., Cheng, G., 2018. Assessing China's “developing a water-saving society” policy at a river basin level: A structural decomposition analysis approach. Journal Cleaner Production 190, 799-808. (co-first author) 17. Zhao, X.*, Tillotson, M.R. Liu, Y.W., Guo, W. Yang, A.H., Li, Y.F. 2017. Index decomposition analysis of urban crop water footprint. 348, 25-32. Ecological Modelling. 18. Zhao, X., Tillotson, M.R., Yang, Z., Yang, H., Liu, J. 2016 Reduction and reallocation of water use of products in Beijing. Ecological Indicators. 16,893-898. 19. Zhao, X., Chen, B., Yang, Z.F., 2009. National water footprint in an input-output framework- A case study of China 2002. Ecological Modelling, 220(2), 245-253